We support mental healthcare professionals

Other organisations use NiceDay to deliver modern, effective, and evidence-based high-quality care.

Modern care, supportive for organisations, therapists & clients

Modern HRM policy: Enhancing job satisfaction through reduced administration and increased flexibility for therapists

Improved compensation through accurate, automated time tracking

Shorter treatment durations through more intensive interventions and smart automations

Higher therapist job satisfaction

Therapists can work location- and time-independent 24/7, with fewer administrative burdens. This results in higher satisfaction, lower absenteeism, and reduced therapist turnover in a tight labor market

Improved reimbursements

NiceDay automatically tracks all chat and session time of therapists. Time reports can be directly shared with insurers or uploaded to the EHR

Shorter treatment duration

Data-supported treatment and smart administration leads to shorter treatment time and have a positive effect on waiting lists

Modernization in mental healthcare

We support in delivering better care

shorter treatment duration
0 %
more contact in-between sessions
0 %

Customer experience

Technology facilitates administrative tasks in mental healthcare. Thanks to technology, we quickly gain insight into the client’s therapy adherence and actively reach out instead of waiting for the next session. We expect to provide the same quality of care with a lower average time. A solution is needed to facilitate therapists in working this way. Our conclusion is that NiceDay is the only party that supports and actively develops this way of working.

We envision that all Synaeda departments will benefit from technological support, which will better support therapists (and potentially allow them to work from home, making us a more attractive employer) and give clients more freedom of choice. This aligns well with recent developments regarding the integral healthcare agreement (VWS, 2022) and programs such as ‘the right care in the right place’.

Bob Goeree

Director, Synaeda Psycho Medical Center

Modern care in mental healthcare



per therapist, per month

Frequently asked questions

Here are some questions to ask:

– Does your organisation have a clear vision on digitalisation?
– Do you need to have a platform that facilitates providing mental health care and support?
– Are you looking for a treatment platform that offers personalized treatments to clients?
– Do you value information equality between client and therapist, with the client having access to their dossier?
– Do you want to meet legal obligations to provide clients with access to a client portal?
– Are you looking for opportunities to offer different forms of care, such as 1-on-1 online sessions, blended care and group therapy?

If you answered positively to these questions, your organisation is ready to work with NiceDay.

Our team of 40 developers, psychologists, and designers continuously works on the product. We have a minimum of 1, but often more, hours per week dedicated to user research, and we release updates and new functionalities on a weekly basis.

Therapists conduct (group) sessions in the treatment room and ask clients to complete trackers and homework assignments between sessions. This way, the client always knows when the next session is and what is important to do or keep track of to actively engage in their recovery between sessions.

© 2024 - NiceDay Nederland