Eurostars – PsychAid

Addressing psychological trauma and PTSD in high-risk occupations

Psychological trauma, particularly prevalent among first responders and other high-risk occupational groups, significantly contributes to mental and physical health issues, including major depression, anxiety disorders, and substance abuse. The resultant socioeconomic costs are profound, exacerbated by the high prevalence rates of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) within these communities. Early intervention is crucial to prevent the progression to chronic PTSD, yet access to timely mental healthcare remains a considerable challenge, with waiting periods extending up to a year in some cases.

PSYCH-AID: bridging the gap in mental healthcare access

PSYCH-AID aims to address these critical gaps by introducing a digital mental health platform designed to offer rapid and improved access to trauma and PTSD treatment. This innovative approach combines digital monitoring, AI-based analytics, and advanced treatment tools, including an adaptive form of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) facilitated through Virtual Reality (VR), all supported in real-time by therapists.

Innovative Features and Development Goals

  • Monitoring, Support, and Analytics Tools (Sense OS): Development of comprehensive tools to facilitate ongoing patient monitoring, offering support and leveraging AI for insightful analytics into patient progress.
  • VR-Based Digital EMDR and Biofeedback Sensing (Emteq): Utilization of VR to enhance the EMDR treatment process, coupled with biofeedback sensing for a more immersive and effective therapeutic experience.
  • Blended Care Approach: PSYCH-AID aims to provide a seamless integration of digital and traditional care methods to prevent the onset of chronic PTSD, offering immediate support and facilitating a blended care model.

Outcome and Impact

The ultimate goal of PSYCH-AID is to assemble the necessary hardware and software components for a comprehensive digital PTSD therapy solution. This initiative will culminate in the development of a functional prototype, which will undergo early validation through a pilot study with PTSD patients at Parnassia Group/PsyQ Mental Health. By providing quick, accessible, and enhanced mental healthcare solutions, PSYCH-AID stands to revolutionize the treatment of trauma and PTSD, potentially transforming the landscape of mental health services for those most at risk.

Research duration

Start date: 1-Oct-2020
End date: 30-Sep-2023

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